This was possibly one of the hardest reviews I’ve ever been asked to write. I was asked by Stride Out to test their new product, a specially formulated foot oil that helps prevent blisters and sore spots when walking.

Stride 1

The rub (sorry!) is that I haven’t suffered from blisters for years. There was a time when it was generally accepted that when you bought a new pair of boots, you’d have to ‘wear them in’ for about 6 months before they became comfortable, and that during that time you would get blisters. The problem is, as I see it, with new manufacturing methods, better design quality in boots, and frankly, much better materials used, you should never suffer from blisters these days. If you buy a good pair of boots and get them fitted properly you should be able to wear them straight out of the box with no discomfort at all. I test walking and mountaineering boots for a living, and often have a new pair on my feet every day of the week. And I can still say that I’ve not had a blister for well over fifteen years. Hence, I found it particularly difficult to review this product.

I used the oil for a few days and can honestly say that I noticed no difference at all, but of course I didn’t expect to. It would be great to hear from someone who does get blisters who would be willing to give Stride Out a try and let me know what they think. What I will say is that if you are a sufferer from blisters or sore feet through walking, it certainly is worth giving Stride Out a try. Or buying new boots. In the first instant though, it’ll be a lot cheaper to buy a bottle of Stride Out to see what happens. You can buy it for £10 from Cotswold Outdoors, so it’s definitely worth a punt.

What I do like about the concept of Stride Out is that it’s made with natural oils, and has been developed by ex Special Forces soldiers.

Go to the Stride Out Foot Oil website for more details.